Friday, November 30, 2007

see you after X'mas

mr clement said: "lapin? when can i meet you? "
lapin said: "i ...don't....know..?"
mr clement said:" can we meet on X'mas?"
lapin said: "NO!! i don't want to be one of your X'mas gifts"
mr clement said: "....?"
lapin said:" see you after X'mas!!"

Monday, November 26, 2007

don't forget....

hey hey don't forget to kiss your honey before sleep!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

GOYA and MARIE, a mrclement video 2007

this is my first video work in royal collage of Art, London. it based on one of the Goya painting. which one? guess please.. i love you."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Goya and mr clement .9

It took me many years to realise that everything he had done to me was a kind of punishment.

Goya and mr clement .8

Let's play a game, if you win, I will tell you everything.

Goya and mr clement .7

Since he left her, she had been growing her hair, as if to remind herself the passage of time.

Goya and mr clement .6

'Sitting on the grass, you were cuddling me. There was wine, bread and flowers. You kissed my nose... it was the last time we saw each other...'

Goya and mr clement .5

She once told me she was afraid of the feeling of being in love with someone. I knew what she meant, (I wonder if she knew what I meant?)... I wonder what she is doing now?

Goya and mr clement .4

It was my happiest summer, but it was too short.

Goya and mr clement .3

This morning I looked into the mirror, I saw me, I saw you. Suddenly I realised I needed to change. I've spent a lot of time thinking about the difference between monkeys and me. Now I know monkeys are covered by uncountable fur, and I, am filled with uncountable secrets!

Goya and mr clement .2

Even until her death, she never forgave her father. Her father killed her lover, a middle-aged man who smelled of lavender, a French man.
The very last time I saw her was the morning before she was being sent to the guillotine. She said to me, 'father brought me to life, but long ago I gave my life to the middle-aged man who smelled of lavender. From the moment father killed him, I have been expecting today to come. I am going to see him soon! I hope my father will die in pain...'

Goya and mr clement .1

'One day, I ran into myself from two years ago, I told this two-years-younger-me many things about two years later:
"... I used to believe I would stay with him forever. But later I began to understand it wasn't enough if I were the only person to believe that. I left him, went travelling for a long time... France, Germany, China, I can't remember how many places I've been to, how many men I've been with. Most relationships didn't end well but what could I do?... "
I could tell from the eyes of this me-from-two-years-ago that she didn't believe a word. How would I not understand that!'

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

long time no see....Pina Bausch

hey hey Pina Bausch is coming to London and shows her two pieces of work, Café Müller and The Rite of Spring in Sadlerswells next year. tickets are nearly sold out!!!! buy buy buy now now now!!! see you there.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


just finished my first short film shooting in RCA this afternoon that based on a GOYA's's it??kekek...tell you later, may post it on youtube. bonjour marie, thanks:)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Goodbye my two lovers....:(

山口小夜子Yamaguqi Koyoko (1957 -2007)山口小夜子

松島 かえで (1982-2007)松島かえで

Saturday, November 10, 2007

lapins on the wall

"hahaha....Boring Saturday night, don't want to go out even don't want to talk to anyone....mmm. ....i just found out this picture that i took in my good friend (salam and ted)'s home two years before.hahaha....lapins fighting!! i painted a quite a lot in their home, but i only got one in my folder..:(.....why???"

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

1,2,3,4,5,6, Cheese! by The Pancake

"i got a very strange album from Hong Kong. <<1,2,3,4,5,6, Cheese!>> by The Pancake, a Hong Kong based one girl band and my old friend, highly recommend tack no.1"Fing Fing 吓" this is really rubbish!!!! but i love it
i heard that she is planning to hold concert in hong kong soon....mmm...i want to go!!! may see you there, girls and boys, kiss kiss!!


Monday, November 5, 2007

Felt lovely.

let's dance, let's drunk!!!