Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When we fall- a mr clement new graphic novel NOW!!!!

So nice to have a day off yesterday due to the heaviest snowfalls in
London in the last 2 decades. I was having hot chocolate at home and looking out the window... and I finally put my new book 'When we fall' on my on-line shop.
'When we fall' is my latest graphic novel about the time and love of
Lapin / petit lapin / astrolapin....if you feel curious about them, this
book may provide some answers (or raise more questions?)

By the way, this is a hand-bound book and were published in 1000 limited copies.
Available from

(more detail here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Clement X 椎名林檎!
the lyrics are nicely collaborated too. Congratulation + Good luck!