I would like to invite you to join TWO interesting events that will happen next Thursday night (9th June) in Bulgaria.....
1.This is the opening of my solo exhibition in Sofia, Bulgari.....Lapin world tour - Sofia. Thanks to the invitation of Sofia Design Week 2011 and the Museum Gallery of Modern Art, Petit Lapin and I finally have a chance to visit this dynamic Eastern European city. I am looking forward to meeting you guys in Sofia. In this exhibition, I will show selected sculptures of Petit Lapin and friend(s). We have nice wine and lovely songs (may be I will sing...haha!) for the opening night. I would like to see you and your lovely friend(s) there!
Details below:
Lapin world tour - Sofia
mr clement exhibition for Sofia Design Week 2011 10th- 18th June, 2011.**opening night at 9th June, 6 pm
the museum gallery of modern art -
10 Oborishte Str, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

After the opening party, We planned to move to another event, the Pecha Kucha Sofia: ИСТОРИИ ЗА ПЪТЯ.
I will be one of the guest speakers who come from design, architecture, photography, art and creative fields. "the event consist of around a dozen presentations, each presenter having 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds. Each presenter has just 6 minutes 40 seconds to explain their ideas before the next presenter takes the stage....." from wikipedia @.@. I am not sure what I will present, may be I will dance or show my Kung Fu skill on stage only. but at least you can meet other interesting artists and designers from different countries there. for sure.... they have a lot of beers as well.
Details below:
(Can't you read? HAHA.)
Какво: Pecha Kucha Sofia (vol. 8)
Кога: 9 юни, четвъртък, от 20:20 часа (вратите отварят в 19:20)
Кой: Над 300 дизайнери, архитекти, фотографи, художници, артисти – все свежи хора с позитивен заряд, като теб.
Защо: За да (пре)заредиш батериите със солидна доза творческа енергия, сред колеги и приятели.
За какво си говорим: ИСТОРИИ ЗА ПЪТЯ
Цена на билетите: 10 лв.

1 comment:
Hey, do you have Facebook ? I couldn't find you there :) I want to click LIKE on Lapin or Mr. Clement :))
See you @ Pecha Kucha
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