Hi Hi, I am travelling in Hong Kong at the moment. I am lucky to have just missed the hottest season here and am enjoying the lovely autumn which is the best season to visit - love the breezy nights : ) I am planning to visit some cities in China, Taiwan and Japan. Any idea? Please email me so I may meet you in your city haha... Travels are always good for inspiration. I stopped drawing a long long time ago but recently, I picked up the pen and made something...... see below

2. Points de chute

The book will be available in most comic bookshops in Berlin and Paris by the end of November 2011. I will stock some copies in my online shop - note that the first 20 people to order 'Points de Chute' from me will get a little special drawing. Keep your eyes on my blog : )
3. Lapin World Tour in Varna

hope you guys enjoyed my artwork. I am sure I will come to Bulgaria again soon, I miss the lovely salad and ladies there, HAHA! It is shame we only have three images of the show because our photographer has lost all of his photos by accident! If you have taken any photos of the show, please email me :) thanks!
4. 'When we look at the blue sky, we can see forever' petit lapin museum - final chapter

Thanks for all your support for the final chapter of petit lapin museum. I am currently working on a new mould and am hoping to send out the orders in mid October. This will be the first time I can dispatch the work on time! I am really sorry for the delay some of you experienced but you know - 'good quality takes time' :) There are still 3 pieces available if anyone wants one. Last chance!!! order here?
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